TallyPrime offers comprehensive features for monitoring and managing funds starting from financial budget estimates and approved budgets to accounting fund receipts to reporting of expenditure and generation of utilization certificates. Funds can be maintained project-wise, program-wise, funding agency-wise or any other dimensions like this. Fund Management covers recording of fund-wise accounting for receipt of funds, advance payments to below level offices/NGOs/contractors, expenditure accounting, refunds, interest accruals, other incomes, etc.
Flow of funds from Government of India/State Government to the State Departments/Missions to the district offices at lower levels and further to block level and still further down to implementing agencies level at villages can be accounted and tracked. Funds can be accounted and managed at each of these levels starting from State Offices, District Offices, Block Offices, Cluster Offices and implementing agencies/offices at village level. The reporting of expenditure can be established exactly in reverse direction of flow of funds.
Other than the Government, funds received from other organizations like World Bank, DFID, UNESCO, etc. can be tracked separately and reported accordingly. TallyPrime can be integrated with MIS applications or websites of the respective organization by supplying or updating the required information periodically.