Bulk Drugs & Chemicals Solutions/ Bulk Drugs & Chemicals Bulk Drugs & Chemicals Utmost user friendly Solution for Bulk Drugs & Chemical Manufacturers with specific Gateway to Purchase; Stores & Quality Control; Production & Quality Assurance; Sales; dispatch etc, which can support requirements of Food & Drugs Administration & ISO. Salient Features Caters to Batch processing / Continuous manufacture Pre-set Bill of materials with due consideration for Assay variance at intermediates / finished goods levels Chain Controls from Purchase Order to Receipts at Quarantine & On line Quality Controls & move approved stocks to Stores Defining the Production Process & admeasure Manufacturing loss at user defined levels Chain Controls from Vender Order to Order Confirmation , Dispatch & On-line Invoicing at Confirmed Rates Defining Vendor / Customer Specific Items Accounting Approval of materials completes accounting of liability & stock valuation Specific Bill passing by Authorized user to make the supplier bill payable Expense / Job Work orders & passing of bills only against the same On-line Excise Accounting avoids the unwarranted Excise Reconciliation Provisions for closing of Accounts made easy by providing pending list of Materials under approval, pending order list etc Technical User defined Security even up to Transaction Level to ensure only authorized user creates, approves or prints transaction reports Synchronization of data with various locations using the internet .NET Capabilities allows even remote access for travelling executives & Auditors Control Centre enables the user to centrally configure and administer Tally installed at various locations