*Are You Selling Online Via Online Stores Like Flipkart, Snapdeal, Amazon Or Any Other Online Shopping Stores ?
*Are You Facing Difficulties In Manually Entering Large Volume Of Transactions Into Your Tally Data ?
*Are You Using Any Other Software For Other Purposes And Want Accounting To Be Done In Tally ?
GSeven Brings New Innovation, The Standard And Fully Dynamic Excel To Tally Import Tool
This Tool enables you to Import large number of Masters/Transactions in Tally on a single click. This allows you to create multiple Templates and Map Excel Columns to available fields in Tally on your own.
Create unlimited import templates on your own.
Import any Master or any Transactions like Sales, Purchase, Journal, Receipt etc.
Import both type of vouchers Accounting and Inventory.
Facility to create Party/Item masters during import which is very much required for all sellers on E- Commerce Platform.
Preview yours complete excel in Tally.
Support unlimited columns of Excel file.
Import using ODBC or by using Tally’s file read capability.